Arama Yap




The master in Contemporary Esthetics and Digital Dentistry is going to start in February 2024 and ends in September 2025. All enrolled dentists must be present at the University of Siena for 3 teaching weeks and 2 teaching weeks in Istanbul.


Prof.Marco Ferrari
Dr.Kubel Iltan Ozkut


Prof. Marco Ferrari
Prof. Simone Grandini
Prof. Nicola Discepoli
Prof.Hande Şar Sancaklı
Prof.Daniele Manfredini
Prof. Denise Ponteriero
Prof. Tim Joda
Prof.David Bonadeo
Assoc.Prof.Roberto Sorrentino
Assoc.Prof.Massimo De Sanctis
Assoc.Prof. Nicola Discepoli
Dr.Sofia Aroca
Dr.Nicola Baldini
Dr.Tiziana Doldo
Dr. Fabio Carboncini
Dr.Serhat Koken
Dr. Mario Imburgia
Dr. Alessio Casucci
Dr.Kubel Ozkut


1st. Week Siena, February 27th- March 2nd.  2024
Day 1-3

Introduction and review of current and modern prosthodontics treatment
Contemporary treatment planning including patients expectations, esthetics demands, and function.
Indications and contraindications to basic restorative and prosthodontics.
Collecting datas for best treatment planning;
Diagnostic models, X-rays, CB/CT, mock-up, wax-up. Analyzing data and choosing the proper method for each treatment plan.
Treatment planning and decisional workflow.
Interdisciplinary approach to complex cases. (the participants will receive documentations of clinical cases to make treatment planning and discuss together)

Prof. Marco Ferrari, (Prosthodontics)
Prof. Simone Grandini (Endodontics),
Prof. Nicola Discepoli (Periodontics),
Dr. Nicola Baldini (Implantology),
Dr. Tiziana Doldo (Orthodontics),
Dr. Fabio Carboncini (Prosthodontics),
Prof. Dr. Hande Şar Sancaklı (Restorative Dentistry)

Day 4-5    
Temporo-mandibular joint considerations in prosthetic rehabilitations.
TMJ and occlusion: physiology and pathology.
Bruxism, obstructive sleep apnea and sleep disturbances.
Diagnosis and treatment planning in parafunctional patients.
Case presentation of parafunctional complex cases.

Workshop- Jaw registrations-Facebows-occlusal splints

Prof. Daniele Manfredini

2nd. Week Istanbul, May 28th -June 1st  2024

Day 1
Mastering in digital dental photography; intra-oral, extra-oral and portraits. Equipment, settings and photographic accessories.

Dr. Serhat Köken

Day 2-3

Minimal intervention
Principles of adhesion
Bonding: state of the art - part I
Bonding: state of the art - part II
Direct restorations on anterior teeth - part I-fractures
Direct restorations on anterior teeth – part II- diastema
Direct restorations on anterior teeth - part III- veneers
Injection technique
Direct restorations on posterior teeth - part I
Direct restorations on posterior teeth - part II

Dr. Serhat Köken / Prof. Hande Şar Sancaklı

Direct restorations on posterior teeth - hands on
Direct restorations on anterior teeth - hands on
LECTURER: Dr. Serhat Köken /  Prof. Hande Şar Sancaklı

Day 4-5: Workshops

Endodontic treatments related to prosthodontic treatment plan

Dr. Denise Ponteriero / Prof. Marco Ferrari

Build-up of endodontically treated teeth: what options we have?

           Build up - part I

           Build up - part II 

Dr. Denise Ponteriero / Prof. Marco Ferrari

3rd. Week Istanbul, November  05th – 09th  2024

Day 1-2:

Preparation of partial crowns ( veneers and anterior restorations)
Preparation of partial crowns (posterior)
Impression and temporary restorations
From simple to complex cases using bonded restorations
Case presentations and discussion
LECTURERS: Prof. Marco Ferrari / Assoc.Prof. Roberto Sorrentino

Day 3-4: 
The finishing line in full crowns:
Vertical and horizontal preparations.
The choice of restorative materials:
Overview of all-ceramic materials (feldspathic ceramic, lithium disilicate, zirconia).
Layered vs monolithic restorations.
Clinical protocols of operative filed isolation and cementation.
Decision-making process to select dental cements.
Layering and painting techniques: case presentation.
Fabrication and management of temporary prostheses.
Soft tissues conditioning and relining techniques.

LECTURERS: Prof. Marco Ferrari/ Assoc.Prof.Roberto Sorrentino

Day 5:   Workshops

Participants will perform several steps:
Preparation of posterior indirect restorations: inlays, onlays, overlays and table tops.
The mock-up technique: minimally invasive preparations on anterior and posterior teeth
The 3-step technique: laminate veneers and additional ceramic and resin composite restorations.
Luting materials and procedures: clinical protocols.
Full crowns: vertical and horizontal preparations.

Prof. Marco Ferrari / Assoc.Prof.Roberto Sorrentino

4th. Week Siena, April 29th  - May 3rd  2025

Day 1-2:

Periodontal diagnosis and prognosis of prosthetic abutment teeth.
Soft tissues management and maintenance in relation to prosthetic restorations.
Crown lengthening techniques.
Functional and clinical relationships between Periodontics and Prosthodontics.

LECTURERS: Asoc.Prof.Massimo De Sanctis / Dr. Sofia Aroca / Prof.Nicola Discepoli

Day 3-4:

Analog and digital workflow in the dental laboratory.
Basic science behind intraoral scanners.
Advantages and limitations of optical impressions.
Intraoral scanner impression making.

LECTURER:  Prof. Marco Ferrari / Dr. Mario Imburgia / Prof. Tim Joda/ Prof. Bonadeo

Day 5: Workshop
Workshops on lab scanner and related procedures
LECTURERS:  Prof. Marco Ferrari / Dr. Mario Imburgia / Prof. Tim Joda / Prof. David Bonadeo

5th. Week Siena, September  02th – 06th  2025 

Day 1
The treatment plan in implant-supported prosthodontics: from single restorations to full-arch rehabilitations.
Basic principles of computer-guided implant-supported Prosthodontics.

LECTURERS:  Dr. Nicola Baldini / Dr. Alessio Casucci

Day 2 
Management of Healthcare Organisations
Introduction To Business
Business System
Managing Staff
LECTURER: Dr. Kübel Özkut 

Day 3-4
Discussion Clinical Cases of Participants
Final Exam
Marco Ferrari

How much does the master’s program in Contemporary Esthetics and Dijital Dentistry cost?

This master program costs 8500€ including taxes.
When your application is accepted you have to transfer your first payment which is 1000€.
At  January 2024 you will have to pay second instalment which is 3750€.
At September 2024 you will have to pay your last instalment which is 3750€.
The fee you will pay will cover the training fees in Siena and in Istanbul, but it does not cover the round trip and accommodation fees in Italy..

Documents Required for the Application

This is the list of documents needed to be enrolled in our Master in Siena University.
- identity document and personal data (better if it is the passport)
- residence / nationality
- university degree details (grade, university, date)
- cv
- secondary school details (year, country)
- enrollment in the order for Italian students
- university degree (comparability, DOV or transcript)
- registration in the order of your country or comparability (during enrollment)

However, to certify the title is extremely important and you can do it only with:

• Diploma supplement if you have a European degree (diploma supplement which is a Diploma Supplement by force, not transcripts, nothing else. Above they must read the written Diploma Supplement)

• If you have a foreign degree (or European but for some reason you cannot produce the Diploma supplement) you need to provide a Declaration of Value issued by the Italian embassy or a Statement of Comparability issued online by CIMEA.

For Communication:
Damla Ersöz Şafak l Phone +90 533 379 22 86  l E-mail damla[@] 
Sinem Oğuz Taşkapılı l Phone +90 212 217 47 07 l E-mail sinem[@]